What is Hearing Therapists Association of New Zealand (HTANZ)?
HTANZ is the professional organisation for Hearing Therapists in New Zealand. Its purpose is to promote the knowledge and practice of Hearing Therapy, including research in Hearing Therapy.
If I am a Hearing Therapist, why should I become a member of HTANZ?
HTANZ is the professional organisation through which Hearing Therapists can be represented and the profession of Hearing Therapy be developed. It gives Hearing Therapists the opportunity to contribute to the development of the profession.
Accredited Assessors for Hearing Assistive Technology funded by the Whaikaha are required to be full members of HTANZ, work within the HTANZ Scope of Practice and abide by the HTANZ Code of Ethics.
HTANZ has representatives on several national working groups associated with hearing loss.
Who can become a member of HTANZ?
For details about types of membership click here.
For further details or to become a member of HTANZ,
contact the Secretary.
Annual requirements of HTANZ members
The Membership Year is from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. Subscriptions are to be paid in full by the 31st of May of the same year as the 1st of July.
For example, for the Membership Year, 1st of July 2025 to June the 30th 2026, subscriptions must be paid by the 31st of May 2025.
Please note:
If any Member does not pay a Subscription or levy by the due date that Member may have a further period of seven days to pay the Subscription. After the seven day period, the Member may (without being released from the obligation of payment) have no Membership rights and may not be entitled to participate in any HTANZ activity until all the arrears are paid, and the Member’s Membership may be suspended until all arrears are paid in full.
Contact the Secretary at info@hearingtherapists.org.nz for the required forms and information below.
- Membership Form
- HTANZ Rules, Scope of Practice, Code of Ethics
- Information on allocation of Continuing Education Points.
- Certificate of Professional Development Form
- Record of Professional Development Form